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25 April, 2021


By Dr. Mahesh Annapure M.Sc. D.N., M.D.
The inner lining of nose undergoes inflammation due to allergens. This leads to Allergic rhinitis. Patient may have  sensitivity to a particular allergen. The immune system of human body automatically reacts with the allergen producing antibody releasing histamine and chemical catalysts that defends the allergen. Weak immunity leads to allergy.

Our nasal passage has superior, inferior and middle turbinate bone and maxillary bone. These bones obstruct the foreign particle to enter the nasal passage and the mucus membrane which in turn produces a sticky mucus. This mucus prevents the entry of small particles in air to pass through the nasal passage, cavities and up to the lungs.

When the immunity of person is weak, these small particles such as dust, dirt, pollen, microscopic bacteria and germs etc.,  enter the nasal passage and cause irritation and inflammation (local swelling).
This is exhibited in the form of symptoms like –
sneezing, itching, runny nose, headache, mild fever etc.

Table of Contents

Signs and Symptoms

Obstruction of nasal passage, blocked nose
Runny nose for long time even for weeks
Itching or irritating nose, eye, and throat
Continuous heavy sneezing
Congestion of nose
Tears in eyes


Causes of allergic rhinitis as per Ayurveda
Mandagni – low digestion strength
Kapha vruddhi – increase of Kapha dosha
Allergens – external factors such as pollen, dust etc
Residing with pet animals
Exposure to humidity, dust, cold
Virudh aahara – wrong food combinations
Long term intake of drugs like aspirin, leading to depleted immunity and making the person prone to dust allergies.

Diagnosis, classification

Diagnosis methods: 
Allergy test
Skin test
Blood test
According to symptoms

It is broadly classified into two types-
Allergic Rhinitis- It is due to weak immune system, causative factors are allergens like pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, smoke, strong odors, etc.
Non allergic – All year around symptoms of nasal blockage and runny nose. In this allergen has no role.

Classification by Ayurveda:-
According to symptoms, it is classified in six types.
Sneezing – Vataja pratishaya
Nasal congestion – Vataja pratishaya
Breathlessness – shwasa kashta – kaphaja pratishaya
Nasal discharge – Nasa srava – Kaphaja and Vataja pratishaya
Headache -Shirogaurava – Vataja and kaphaja pratishaya
Itching in nasal & oral region – Nasa and Talu kandu – Kaphaja and Raktaja pratishaya

Ayurvedic concept

Ayurvedic concept of rhinitis:-
As per Ayurveda, Allergic rhinitis is compared with Vata- Kaphaja pratishaya. The concept of Ama, Asatmya and virudh aahara also predict the allergic conditions.

Ama is the product of impaired digestion and metabolism. It affects Rasa and Rakta Dhatu leading to manifestation of Pratishyaya. Wrong food combinations (Virudh aahar) having antagonist properties like fish with milk, fruit juice with milk, clarified butter with honey, ice cream after night meals, etc. leads to allergy.

Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurvedic treatment for allergic rhinitis:
If the symptoms are severe and in chronic conditions, Vamana Panchakarma treatment, followed by Virechana is administered. This helps to relieve Ama and balance Tridosha.
In some cases, where the patient has normal digestion strength, Nasya treatment (nasal drops therapy) is administered with herbal oils such as Anu taila or Shadbindu Taila
After the above Panchakarma treatments, Ayurvedic medicines are administered to improve respiratory immunity and strength of upper respiratory tract.

Ayurvedic medicines

Useful Ayurvedic medicines in treating allergic rhinitis:
Nimbarajanyadi tablet
Contains neem and turmeric as main ingredients.
Chavikasavam – Fermented Ayurvedic liquid, also used in urinary tract disorders.
Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras – Also useful in the treatment of skin diseases, diabetes, Sinus, non healing wounds, etc.

Other medicines: Narada lakshmi vilas rasa, Anand bhairava rasa, tribhuvan kirti rasa, shringarabharaka rasa, Mayur shringa bhasma, Abhraka bhasma, Lavangadi pills, Sitopaladi choorna, Marichayadi yoga, vyoshadi pills, Khadiradi pills are suggested.

Yogas for Pratisyaya from Sahasrayoga Text book
Triphaladi Taila
Rasnadi Choorna
Triphaladi Talam
Bahusala Guda

Diet management

Take: – Light food, lukewarm water, Kapha nashaka foods like little spicy food, saindhav salt, legumes, soups etc.
Avoid:- heavy food, fermented food, congestive food, too hot or too cold food, soar food, non vegetarian food, sweets, banana, curd, yogurt, ice creams, deserts, cakes, yellow grams, etc.
Avoid Alcohol and cold beverages.
Read related: Night food is very important. Watch what you eat at night.

Lifestyle improvement

Always keep cloves and black peppers with you. Immediately keep two pieces of it in mouth when you feel of attack.
At the pre attack or attack rub Nilgiri oil , Mint oil, or pain balm on chest and get fomentation.
Keep watch on the elements that causes irritation for you and stay away from this.
Use mask while driving vehicle or going through public places.
Always take warm water bath.
Do not expose to hot sunrays.
Regularly take inhalation of steam.
Regularly go for morning walk in warm weather.
Do sufficient exercise.
Do not reside in dark or dump places. Get fresh air.
Do not get sleep at day time or immediate after dinner.
Take sufficient rest.

Yoga for rhinitis-
Ardha chandrasana
Salamba sarwangasana
Setu bandhasana

Conclusions & experience:-
First of all Vata, Kapha, constipation removal is necessary.
Basti, Swedana, external oleation, virechan, Nasya, Dhumpan is suggested after attack.
Ayurvedic remedies start to show improvements within two days. The treatment must be continued for minimum three months to cure it completely for long years.
Patients managing avoidable and maintaining lifestyle are cured for more than ten years.

Dr. Mahesh Annapure
M.Sc. D.N., M.D. (A.M.)
[email protected]

Home remedies

Article by Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu)., PhD.
Running nose / runny nose is the common term used by the people for the complaint where due to cold there will be heavy flow from the nostrils.

Often this hurts the individual by constant irritation, burning of the eyes and nose, and nasal discomfort. Even though technically it is termed as Rhinitis, classical rhinitis possesses several other features also.
The intention of this write up is to give instant relief to the patients complaining of running nose by using simple and effective home remedies.

Allergic rhinitis Home remedy 1:
One fist full of Beaten rice (poha-Hindi, Pouva-Marathi, Avallakki-Kannada) is taken and eaten little by little without taking water.

If this is carried once in half hourly, twice or thrice surely within 2-3 hours there will be complete relief from running nose. Those patients who are having the habit of anti histamines for such complaints can avoid it by this practice.

The reason behind this is, Prithuka (Sanskrit name of beaten rice) is possessing Sthira (stable) and Rooksha(dry) and Grahi (absorbant) properties.Due this it pacifies the running nose.
Read related: Allergic Rhinitis: Causes, Remedies, Ayurvedic treatment, Herbs

2-3 pinch of Turmeric powder is mixed with honey and licked half hourly.This relieves the cold associated with cough also.
As Turmeric is immuno modulator and acts as Anti microbial, running nose caused by allergic reactions is pacified effectively.

As per Ayurveda Haridra (turmeric) is vishahara (anti poisonous) and Shothahara (anti inflammatory) and hence this action is found.In addition honey facilitates this action by its adaptogenic effect (yogavahi).
Read related: Best Medicine For Obesity, Allergy, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc – Wake Up Before 6 am

Dry ginger is made into fine powder and mixed with rock salt.1-2 pinch of this powder is taken 3-4 times a day. Running nose caused due to the intake of cold items like ice creams, curd, buttermilk, guava, fruit juice etc are relived without other medicaments.

As ginger is having deepana (carminative) and Pachana (digestive) and Vatanulomana (anti flatulent) effect this is possible.Rock salt facilitates this action by channelizing the drugs (anupravana bhava).

The petioles of Jackfruit are collected (10-15) and made into decoction (Kashaya).2-3 ml of honey is added to this and taken.
This helps to relieve even severe condition of running nose associated with throat irritation. (But, do not practice this home remedy if you have constant tastelessness)
As jack fruit petiole is possesses potent stable (Sthira) property it arrests cold and running nose.

Inhalation of the fumes of Haridra (turmeric) alone or in combination of Mustard (Sarshapa),Tulasi leaves(Holy basil) is effective against severe running nose.
Antimicrobial, anti histamine, decongestant etc properties of the combined drugs facilitates this action.
Read related: How To Use Turmeric for Allergic Rhinitis? 4 Traditional Methods

15-20 seeds of Brinjal (Vrintaka) are taken, crushed well and fine powder. This is used as errhine (nasya) twice or thrice in a gap of 15-20 minutes.

As these seeds are strong decongestants desired effect is obtained from this practice.(Donot use this medication for children)

Last drop
Usage of chemical molecules for silly reasons and simple ill health conditions have become the habit to everybody.
If one appreciates any of the above said home remedies surely it will give enough confidence to avoid synthetic molecules for simple ill health conditions.
Consult Prof. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu)., PhD.

Take half liter water, add 20 grams of rock salt and one teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Boil it for 5 minutes. It can be taken once or twice a day, in a dose of 20 ml, after food, for a period of one month.
Take six clove buds. Add six black pepper fruits to it and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. Mix all, grind and prepare fine powder. Half a teaspoon of this is taken once or twice a day, with a teaspoon of honey. You can drink a cup of water along with this remedy. This can be taken after food.
Take half cut lemon, spread a pinch of turmeric and salt on its cut surface, heat the lemon for one minute, squeeze the juice of it. This can be taken in a dose of 1/2 teaspoon once or twice a day, after food
Tea of basil leaf and mint leaf is very useful.
Chew a piece of garlic and ginger.
Take roasted horse gram – one teaspoon once or twice a day
Take extract off ajwain, black pepper, poppy seeds.
Chew clove and black pepper through a day.
Try coriander and cumin boiled in water.
Take warm soup of corn flour or mushroom with added clove and black pepper.